My new project: Tact, a simple chat app.

Mint for iPad

Intuit Inc. 2011

Interaction design, UI production


Design Mint for a new platform from scratch.

What I did

I was the lead designer of Mint for iPad. I led the major reimagining of the product concept to combine the best aspects of Mint with the immersion and multitouch capabilities of iPad. Throughout the project, I led the interaction design, directed the visual design, instructed engineers on design implementation, wrote some UI code myself, and worked with QA and product management to ensure that we would deliver a high-quality product on time, that was received with positive reviews.


Engadget reviewed the product and said:

Mint has done a better job translating the site to the app than almost anyone else who’s gone down this road. /…/ Mint for iPad app is even better than the Mint website…

As of 2018 (7 years after the launch), Mint for iPad app has received visual and branding updates, but the core of the app concept remains unchanged, indicating that what I designed continues to adequately meet the business needs.

Mint for iPad navigation foundations

Mint in App Store