My new project: Tact, a simple chat app.

Estonian ID card

AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus. 2002-2004

webmaster, PHP, PR, campaign, marketing, identity, security, training, technical writing, product management


Contribute to early development and distribution of Estonian ID-card knowledge and applications.

What I did

Estonia is deploying a national ID card and its electronic applications, including nationwide digital authentication and electronic document signing. I joined the project in 2002, as the launch of national digital signature was just being prepared.

I had three responsibilities in the ID card and digital signature project. First, I was responsible for technical coordination of the project websites and user-facing services (copy and content, technical deployment and maintenance). Secondly, I participated in marketing activities, producing information materials, but also giving talks and seminars at various events. Finally, I managed the technical aspects of the first version of ID card starter kit product, aimed at bringing an ID card reader into Estonian retail outlets to enable anyone to use ID cards at their home, office or other locations.


In 2018, the ID card remains one of the cornerstones of Estonian e-society as the primary digital authentication and signing method. A lot of client software developed in early 2000s is obsolete and has been replaced with newer versions.

The DigiDoc web portal for signing documents was running with basically unchanged interface for about 15 (!) years, before it got acquired and modernized.