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Linksys wifi router installation thumbs-up

December 05, 2006

I had to install a Linksys wifi router recently. I like clear labels on things. It’s always confusing whether you need to install software first or the hardware. And there’s so much junk in the box with all those different manuals and CD-s that you’re never sure where to start. So it’s nice to see that you’re given really obvious glues. Like, this sticker is pasted on the power and Ethernet sockets on the back of the router, clearly telling you to install software before you plug in the cables.

Linksys “run CD first”

Linksys “start here”

Now, it’s of course another matter that their Windows wizard crashed after the 6th or 7th “step”. But I don’t think I lost anything, as this wizard was nothing more than a series of pictures along the lines of “unplug the cables”, “now plug this in there” etc. And once my machine already got an IP address, I could see what was the uplink gateway’s (i.e the router’s) address, and could then sign in there to do my own configuration.